Traffic Racer adalah game racing ringan yang sangat populer di kalangan user smartphone android..
game Traffic Racer ini menawarkan permainan yang menegangkan untuk anda yang hoby bermain game balap.. jantung anda akan di buat berdecak kencang saat kita harus berkonsentrasi mengendarai mobil dg kecepatan tinggi dalam jalanan raya..
pada update terbaru yakni Traffic Racer 2.0 mod ini udah unlimited money dan juga ada penambahan fitur baru diantaranya sebagai berikut:
- Stunning three-dimensional graphics
- Handling real mental and motor vehicles
- 17 different cars to choose from
- 4 environment details: countryside, desert, snow and the city (night)
- 4 game modes: Endless, Two-Way, Time Trial and Free Ride
- The rich variety of vehicles in traffic, including trucks, buses and SUV’s
Personalize ** fundamental changes color and wheels
- Leaderboards and Achievements Online
Changes in this version Traffic Racer 2.0

- As a police you have to capture the suspects
- Try to beat the scores in the new Police Chase Leaderboard
- 3 new cars including a super-sport
- Traffic is now slightly faster and can change their speed dynamically
- Now there is the option for left-handed traffic in two-way mode
- Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Swedish language support
- Improved the road texture in the city night
- Lots of other fixes and improvements
Size: 47 mb
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